Member support

The VEEM office

The VEEM office in Olonzac is open on Tuesday mornings from 10.00 to 11.30am.

As well as dealing with membership enquiries and taking bookings for workshops and other activities, the office team are there to deal with any questions you may have about the association. If they can’t answer your questions themselves, they will know where to point you.

Our newsletter

We publish a newsletter each week and you will receive a copy by email every Monday morning. The bulletin has detailed descriptions of upcoming activities and how to enrol. We also pass on information to members about interesting activities organised by other local associations.

The events calendar

Our events calendar contains all planned VEEM events and is updated regularly, so remember to visit often. Just click on an event on the calendar and you’ll be taken to a page with more information, and a link to book. If there is no link to book, it means that booking is not yet open for that event. The events calendar is here :


We have an active Facebook page with lots of inside info about what we’re up to, upcoming events, photos of previous events, news about the association, perhaps the odd quiz question, and other relevant local info from our friends, members and supporters. Posts are in English and French. All you need is a Facebook account so please head over and follow us there !

VEEM Facebook

French administration support

From time to time we organise sessions and conferences covering various aspects of dealing with French administration, targeted specifically to the needs of non-French residents. Watch our calendar for details.

We also have a peer support group for members applying for, or thinking about applying for, French citizenship. The group has its own website, Applying for French Citizenship
For more details, please get in touch with Kalba Meadows (see VEEM Contacts page).